The Valmiki Ramayana is an epic poem of India, which narrates the journey of Virtue to annihilate vice. Sri Rama is the hero, and aayana is his journey of adventures. It is written in beautiful poetic slokas, which contains much wisdom and lessons in all aspect of human life. According to Burns, transformational leadership occurs when a leader engages with a follower in such a way that both parties are raised to higher levels of motivation and morality with a common purpose. Transformational leaders exhibit charisma, encourage followers to question their way of doing things and treat followers differently but equitably based on their follower needs. In the Ayodhya Kanda, when Sri Rama leaves Ayodhya to go into exile following his father, king Dasaratha’s will, the people of Ayodhya at large are very much against the idea. The concluding sargas of Yuddha Kanda and Uttara Kanda describe the results or outcome of Sri Rama’s transformational leadership.