In this essay Professor Roger Canals examines how using visual methods for ethnographic research can yield multiple outcomes. The approach is discussed as an ‘eclectic assemblage’ in which each ‘result’ is critically connected to the others, creating synergy between these different forms which both broadens and enriches our understanding of the whole; which is similar to the principle of the multimodal turn in research, potentially building stronger epistemological foundation for visual forms of representation. In addition, pursuing multiple outcomes extends the reach of research to different audiences. This discussion is woven around the Venezuelan cult of Maria Lionza. Over fifteen years Roger Canals has conducted active visual research into the cult in Latin America and followed its diasporic growth as it moves across the world to the USA and Europe; a movement which also includes the presence of the cult on the internet and social networks. This body of work has provided diverse textual outcomes including films, websites and exhibitions.