This chapter aims to unveil the Socially Responsible Licensing values, challenges, and opportunities in universities. It is conducted through a case study of Socially Responsible Licensing of “CRISPR-Cas”-a technology that enables genetic material to be changed relatively simply, accurately, and efficiently-from Wageningen University and Research, Netherlands. Results show that Socially Responsible Licensing is demanding among universities, and it has nexus with individual values, institutional readiness, and financial infrastructure of the education system. This chapter contributes to knowledge diffusion and circulation about Socially Responsible Licensing, which is in infancy in the literature of the Third Mission of universities. It sheds light on Socially Responsible Licensing values and mechanisms for value co-creation among stakeholders. Moreover, it shows the critical role of value alignment among all stakeholders (internally and externally) to effectively deal with the challenges of implementing Socially Responsible Licensing in the community.