With over one million subscribers, YouTube fitness vlogger Steve Cook has a well-established presence both on social media and the health and fitness community. Using frequent direct address to the audience, Cook consistently positions himself as an authentic, down-to-earth figure and core member of his community. Using close narrative analysis (Bamberg, 1997) of five of Cook's videos (1 hr 41 mins 14 secs) and thematic analysis (Owen, 1984) of the video comments (n = 807), analysis focuses on how Cook performs authenticity and how his followers respond. Analysis shows that the vlogs create intimacy and implicitly challenge the traditional positioning of celebrities and fans. Viewer responses show an ongoing engagement with Cook a relatable community member as well as an expert. However, the analysis also shows how ‘authenticity’ is problematic in creating a false sense of intimacy and unrealistic expectations in viewers. Finally, the broader impact of social media celebrity and market capitalism on mental health and user self-esteem are discussed.