Among the various modes through which knowledge construction takes place at the tertiary level, the delivery of spoken input by lecturers during frontal lectures is common to all disciplines. In this study, the literature on the spoken input produced in EMI settings is investigated with the aim of understanding what features characterise spoken input regardless of the discipline being taught and what features are discipline-specific. In order to do so, a qualitative analysis by means of Google Scholar search was carried out. The Google Scholar database was searched using the following terms: “disciplin*”, “effective”, “English-medium”, “input”, “L1-L2”, “lectur*”, “spoken” and “strateg*”. Despite being a theoretical article, the aim of the present contribution is practical so as to help lecturers from all fields of expertise improve their pedagogical knowledge and metalinguistic awareness of the features of their disciplinary discourse and knowledge (co-)construction strategies in order to make the most out of their lecturing practice. Moreover, such reflections can provide insight for EAP/ESP teachers and EMI training professionals into how lecturer training and professional development programmes and activities can be improved by focusing on communicative functions and presentation strategies that can selectively address and improve students’ mastery of disciplinary discourse.