This chapter aims to provide a general overview of careers in adult basic education (ABE), English as a Second Language (ESL), and family literacy as it relates to adult education. ABE is a broad term and encompasses a variety of services and programs for adults, including basic literacy, numeracy, and high school equivalency. ESL generally describes the tools and methods used to teach English Language Learners (ELL). As the name suggests, family literacy includes all literacy activities within the family, not just those at school. As part of these services, adults receive assistance to develop essential skills they need to become productive workers, family members, and citizens.

In addition, the author discusses her acclimation to adult education and how it contributed to her professional development. The author identifies the core knowledge and skills expected of adult literacy educators that support literacy, effective teaching practices, and learner outcomes. Readers will get an idea of the impact of adult learning theories, assumptions, and implications of adult learning. The author provides insight into the future of adult basic education, the emerging trend of technology integration and digital literacy, and three tips for becoming a successful adult educator in this space.