When you first open a LEGO® kit and look at the myriad pieces, it is sometimes impossible to imagine what they will become. In some magical way, rigid, angular, and unicolour bricks are transformed to produce dynamic, fluid, vibrant representations of both the real and imaginary worlds. Somehow, 1 + 1 + 1 becomes 4. We begin by recounting our own personal journeys to STP and highlighting some of the lessons learnt along the way. This final chapter examines the interconnections between the layers of the biopsychosocial approach (biological, psychological, and social/environmental) that guided the structure of their thinking and writing. The overall STP experience is best described as a fluid, dynamic, and interconnected experience across all the layers that come together through the STP process. Hence, the experience becomes much more than the sum of its parts. Finally, the authors introduce the accompanying “playbook” and invite the practitioner community to contribute to the further development of STP.