Taking part in role-play while also maintaining therapeutic perspective is not only possible, but is often the “golden road” to providing empathy, unconditional positive regard, and support as the child leads the way. Role-play vignettes, demonstrations, and skill practice exercises are provided to help the reader better understand the therapeutic value of pretend play, and hone skills for role-play situations.

By reading and working through the chapter exercises, the reader will be better able to implement such skills as:

Explaining or demonstrating within role-play the necessary skills of the therapist as “confident companion” in a role-play:

“Asides” or “the stage whisper” for guidance and clarification from the child

Temporarily suspending action for necessary limit setting within a role-play

“Playing the part” with enthusiasm without taking over the narrative

Making process and reflective statements within role-play without interrupting, and while also playing your assigned role

Tracking with empathy while “witnessing” solitary role-play wherein the child plays multiple characters

“Witnessing” and observing without comments, questions, or interruptions that introduce non-child-centered elements

Demonstrate the different types of role-play and therapist responses in mock sessions with a partner.