Following the study of CCPT with this book, as a qualified mental health professional, the reader will be ready to begin applying CCPT skills. Addressing ongoing development consciously and proactively will help the reader become a maximally effective agent of positive change for children, families, schools and communities. For this reason, in this last chapter, the authors offer guidance for ongoing development. From the authors’ experience, as well as that of supervisees, peers, and continued learning from the professional literature, the authors suggest and expound on the keys to therapist development for excellent and sustained work. In summary these keys are:

Mastering efficient CCPT skills through supervised experience and training;

Building confidence through experiencing success and measuring outcomes;

Seeking the collegiality of like-minded peers;

Developing wrap-around skills, as well as studying and reaching out in the community one works in; and

Caring for self as one would care for child clients—through self-empathy and realization of personal limitations – and faith in growth as a natural and on-going process.