This chapter begins by highlighting that in Western societies, a perception of monogamy as superior to consensually non-monogamous relationships still reigns supreme. In such a mononormative culture, relationship commitment and relationship health are judged as sexual and romantic exclusivity to one person at a time. Those that journey beyond this prescribed relationship model is likely to encounter prejudice, misunderstanding and condescension. To genuinely support and understand clients in open and polyamorous relationships, what is called for is an awareness of the variance of consensual non-monogamy and knowledge about the specific challenges and delights of our clients living and loving in such expansive ways. In this chapter, Niki D focuses on how therapists can help their clients when an individual client or a monogamous couple want to open up their relationship to a consensually non-monogamous one. This chapter offers case examples to bring the dynamics of this complex relationship negotiation alive. This chapter can enable therapists to feel more confident about supporting their clients as they venture out of their monogamous norm.