VUCA is an acronym constructed to embrace volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity. Today’s world constantly stays in the VUCA conditions, affecting many industries, including sports and tourism. Today sport tourism is facing numerous changes, challenges, and, consequently, opportunities. First of all, this chapter begins with the definition, taxonomy, and history of sport tourism in brief. In addition, we explain why sport tourism deserves special attention and is especially interesting in the contemporary tourism context. Second, we describe and discuss the recent changes in sport tourism, and see challenges for this industry. It is followed by a few vivid examples from the business. Subsequently, it let us define and develop the opportunities and perspectives for sport tourism management and marketing for the foreseeable future. It brings us to multifaceted conclusions about reshaping sport tourism and its place in the tourism industry in general, about borders, obstacles, challenges, and following opportunities brought by this complex situation. The current chapter can be interesting for a wide audience: students, scholars, and tourism and sport managers in order to understand trends and issues of the field and turn described challenges into an advantage.