The basic tenets of correlationism are easy enough to explain: correlationism would assert the unsurpassability of the correlation between thinking and being and reject any Absolute, that is, any “real” that is not already reduced to its relation or its givenness to a consciousness or an intentional power more broadly construed that has the ability to make sense of this given. Correlationists deny knowledge – or, in its stronger version, even the thinkability – of anything that is not correlated to the human being’s thinking or sense-making power. The new realists of the object-oriented sort will want to overcome this anthropocentrism by developing a radically egalitarian or flat ontology, that is, an ontology that undoes the privilege of the human being as the centre of the universe and the only agent of meaningful encounters. Existence as exposition or exposure on the limit is a crucial feature of Nancy’s ontology.