The entire globe has been focusing on science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) education, as it is critical in the creation of learning outcomes for primary school students in the areas of science, technology, engineering processes, and mathematics as well as 21st-century core skills and attitudes towards science, technology, and innovation for their future studies. This chapter will examine and discuss design-based STEM-BCG learning, one of the STEM teaching models, and its implementation and learning outcomes in the context of Thailand. The issues that need to be considered are as follows: Why is STEM-BCG learning important? How can local issues be brought up as topics of learning in design-based STEM-BCG learning? This chapter begins with a brief overview of design-based STEM learning ‘Thailand. In the main body, we discuss the teachers’ teaching-design-based STEM-BCG learning, their students' learning outcomes, and the professional development programmes of STEM teachers that are suitable in a local area context. We discuss the factors that hinder the success of STEM teaching and the challenges of teaching STEM 'knowledge-based society. We conclude the chapter by providing recommendations related to the professional development of STEM teachers at both policy and practice levels for policymakers, curriculum developers, teacher educators, and researchers.