The chapter takes the form of a transcript of an interview between Colonel Rosie Stone, Captain Mark Waring, Major Anne Seaton-Sykes and Major Luke Wattam (interviewees) and Tim Clack and Mark Dunkley (interviewers). Colonel Stone is the first course director for the Human Security Advisor Course (HSAC) at the UK Defence Academy, Shrivenham. Captain Waring, Major Seaton-Sykes and Major Luke Wattam are specialist officer serving with the British Army’s Defence Cultural Specialist Unit (DCSU). Coverage focuses on a range of areas, including: areas of correspondence between heritage and human security, current postures and operational capabilities of UK and other militaries, areas of human security (the so-called ‘freedoms’ and ‘dimensions’), the training received by those engaged in human security or cultural specialist work, and, mindful of heritage and culture, what success ‘looks like’ on deployment.