This edited volume offers a laser-like focus on a dozen special populations found in gifted education and aims to help educate others who participate in advocacy, research, practice, policy, and politics. This contribution to the field is meant to inform and empower them with the kind of knowledge that they can use to make a difference and help advocate for more diversity, inclusion, and equity in gifted education for low-income, racially, culturally, and linguistically diverse students; and other special populations. Developing the gifts and talents of our most able students from all walks of life must be a national imperative. The benefits to our nation and to the world require us to put forth our best effort as educators. As current practitioners, scholars, and researchers in gifted and talented education, it is also our intention to promote dialogue among all stakeholder groups in gifted education, who like us, are concerned about equity, access, and opportunity. In the end, we hope this book will make a difference for those who historically have been disenfranchised, neglected, and often prevented from enacting their individual and collective talent and potential.