The art of teaching is an entirely different skill, which requires an array of skill sets and a sense of commitment in the pedagogical process. So, teaching as a profession requires systematic training. As most teachers have no requisite methodical training of how to teach English in engineering colleges, they proceed with their own models. This chapter deals with the need for training teachers of English in the relevant methodology, which would optimally improve the learning of English by the students to meet their future academic and professional requirements. Though it is possible to hope for an English-speaking environment in a non-English-speaking country, many teachers of English fail to give their students a reasonable exposure to spoken English. The chapter not just establishes the need for In-Service Education and Training (INSET) but also sets up the priorities in designing a training module that is to be implemented in in-service training programmes for teachers of English. Moreover, this is an investment for the future well-being of the students and teachers as this deserves a high priority in the nation’s education policy.