In January 2021, in partnership with Out Boulder County and Boulder County Public Health (BCPH), Kaylin C. Gray conducted the first research in the United States to examine COVID-19 vaccine acceptance, hesitancy, and concerns in the LGBTQ+ population. We found vaccine hesitancy to be nearly twice as high in the LGBTQ+ sample compared to the non-LGBTQ+ sample. With data showing greater vaccine hesitancy and outlining specific LGBTQ+ concerns and needs for additional vaccine information, Mardell J. Moore advocated for vaccine equity funding and clinics, as well as for sexual orientation and gender identity (SOGI) data collection. Out Boulder County was named a community vaccine ambassador and then created coalitions in the county and state of Colorado to host vaccination clinics for historically underserved populations, train providers, and educate communities about the vaccines. Out Boulder County also coordinated COVID-19 vaccine and mental health town halls tailored to LGBTQ+ concerns and launched a media campaign to address vaccine hesitancy. A second wave of research in mid-2021 measured vaccine uptake, reassessed LGBTQ+ vaccine hesitancy, and gathered information on the broad impacts of the pandemic, leading to a new mental health program. At the end of 2021, another major research effort produced data on vaccine uptake and perceptions of youth and young adults in Colorado, and a bill requiring the collection of SOGI data was gathering sponsors in the state legislature. Research-informed interventions, coalition-building, and public policy advocacy led to increased visibility and support for LGBTQ+ communities and to greater equity in the pandemic.