Events and festivals are celebrated at certain times of the year, with both local people, visitors, and tourists. Turkey, which is one of the most tourist-attracting countries in the world, is also one of the most ambitious countries in event tourism. In Turkey, where more than 1000 national festival and events are held in a year, it is intriguing that the number of international festivals is fewer. Events and festivals are thoroughly explored in this chapter, as well as the usability of technology in events and festivals and its benefits to Turkish tourism. Findings of this literature review-based chapter show that although the festivals held in Turkey are outnumbered, the interest of foreign tourists in these festivals is quite limited. It should be ensured that the festivals are promoted more effectively to international visitors. In order to promote the festivals more efficiently, various professional promotional activities should be emphasized. To give importance to the latest technological innovations and smart tourism practices in these promotional activities will make each festival special. By using innovative and intelligent technologies in Turkey, a further increase of festival tourism activities will be achieved. This study provides recommendations that innovative technology and smart tourism applications can contribute to Turkish festivals and tourism events.