Author said no to Fortnite for months. In part it was because of his general distaste for weapons, but largely because he wanted to keep playing Super Mario with his preadolescent son for a bit longer. But the pandemic forced his hand –his son made a persuasive argument for how Fortnite allowed him to connect and play with his friends, even while socially isolated. Despite his skepticism of the game’s developmental appropriateness, he relented, and his son has joyfully spent an inordinate amount of time in a Meowscles skin with a rocket launcher. Modern gaming platforms incorporate elements of traditional video games and social media; players interact with both the affordances of the game and their peers. Game design and mechanisms set the stage for what scenarios, dilemmas, and choices can arise, but the player takes an active role in navigating these opportunities, making decisions – both right and wrong – and feeling their consequences.