Cultivating a mentorship framework attuned to the nature of scholarly publishing requires an approach that is not overly prescriptive while offering scope for mentee writers to reflect upon how to navigate the terrain of scholarly publishing. As such, this chapter explores mentorship practices that align to an organic approach for the mentorship of scholarly publication. To help achieve such an approach, Bronfenbrenner’s systems thinking has been both adopted and adapted for its ability to speak at once to the individual writer and the contextualized nature of writing. Consequently, a framework is presented that provides a kind of prompt sheet for mentee writers to assist discussions with that of their mentors. The framework offers structure enough to relate to the nature and terrain of scholarly publishing, but is unstructured enough to allow and promote the centrality of mentee agency. The nature of the framework aims to provoke discussions that may be of varying depths and foci depending upon the mentee writer and what they want to explore.