The thesis-by-publication format in doctoral studies affords valuable mentoring opportunities for novice scholars learning about academic publication. This format, previously seen mainly in STEM disciplines, is becoming increasingly common in many other fields. The path to academic publication is often challenging and uncertain; publishing alongside the demands of doctoral studies adds further complexities to an already pressured undertaking. In this chapter a supervisor and her PhD candidate reflect on the learning experiences of preparing a doctoral thesis by publication in Education. Our narratives are informed by the literature on thesis by publication and we approach research supervision through a mentoring lens. Our complementary stories offer insights into how supervisors can effectively mentor an emerging scholar into the culture of research publication, addressing the intellectual and emotional challenges and satisfactions encountered. Undertaking this journey together provides a supported space in which to navigate the world of scholarly publication on the way to developing a researcher identity. We offer recommendations for how both mentors and mentees can successfully navigate this challenging territory.