Postmemory may manifest itself in different forms, over many years, even from young childhood into adulthood. It may take on sensorimotor aspects for a young child as Jean Piaget posited, since that is one of the ways in which children experience and interpret the world and its messages to them. As one matures, rational thought tends to take the foreground. What happens then, when the initial sensorimotor experiences meet rational thought on the one hand, but extra-ordinary coincidences on the other? The psychoanalyst, Carl Jung’s concepts of “synchronicity” and “a-causal” events are of value in trying to make sense of such a unique set of circumstances.

In this chapter, I will present the unusual manner in which I was spurred on by my maternal grandfather’s legacy from a very young age, and how this quest developed and reached an apex in the last few years. His family’s livelihood in the decades prior to the advent of the Holocaust in the movie theater business in Salonica, Greece, serves as the stage upon which my personal journey to discover more about his past took hold, beginning more than 40 years ago, and culminating in the present day.