This chapter provides an overview of the concepts discussed in part 4 of this book. The part documents Christian action taken to mitigate the social inequalities of class, race, and gender in various global regions, to build peace in Africa, and adjusts to social circumstances altered by the COVID-19 pandemic, and then describes how Christianity itself, in turn, has been profoundly altered by evolving culture. It includes the 1730 Evangelical Revival, the University Settlements, the close contact of soldiers during World War I, the Iona Community, the post-World War II Labour government, and finally, the rise of communism, as church decline and a more general, societal concern for the poor eventually displaced the church and its sense of social responsibility. The part presents liberation theology as the belief that salvation is linked to efforts to bring about a just society. It unveils how Christianity is weaponized as a tool for oppressing Blacks in the United States.