This chapter offers an overview of some of the ways in which the diversification of gender and sexuality and post-binary approaches that first emerged in social media discourses has facilitated new identity logics, prompting a radical redefinition of both non-binary gender and bisexuality. The chapter discusses how the 2010s proliferation of gender and sexuality identities has undone the logic of masculine/feminine and hetero/homo binaries in ways prompted by 1990s queer theory, but hitherto not widely taken up in everyday life. We investigate the significance of non-binary gender identity as a meaningful framework for describing lived experiences of gender and consider how this has participated in undoing the older, hegemonic logic of essentialist genders. We also investigate what this change has meant for the deliberate expansion of the category of bisexuality: where the ‘bi’ has been effectively redefined to move from a twentieth century model of attraction to ‘both sexes’, to a twenty-first century model of attraction to people of more than one gender.