This chapter describes the life, career and legacy of Mary Steichen Calderone (1904–1998), medical director of the Planned Parenthood Federation of America, principal founder of SIECUS (the Sex Information and Education Council of the United States), and a pioneering leader in the movement to transform ‘family life education’ into what is today known as ‘comprehensive sexuality education’. Calderone tirelessly encouraged parents to be open and honest with their children about the goodness of healthy sexuality. Calderone and SIECUS were subjected to vitriolic attacks by ultra-right-wing religious and political groups beginning in the late 1960s. She is today, however, remembered by supporters of sexual and reproductive justice and comprehensive sex education for her courageous beliefs in the right to experience sexual pleasure, to receive scientifically accurate, age-appropriate sex education, and to the need to teach young people how to make responsible sexual decisions.