Our understanding of the cosmos and our place within it is rapidly deepening as we gain important scientific insights into the physical structure and evolution of the universe through modern-day astrophysical research using emerging technologies. Simultaneously, Indigenous and Black communities around the world have fostered deep cultural and intellectual connections to the sky since time immemorial. The human connection to the cosmos is increasingly being affected by the loss of dark skies due to the ongoing colonial exploitation of land, sea, sky, and space. This has particularly damaging effects on Indigenous cultures, land rights, and knowledge systems as identity, knowledge, relationships, and survival are dependent on being able to see the stars. This chapter argues that Indigenous sky rights around the globe are hugely important for safeguarding traditional knowledge and heritage by preserving dark skies, minimising the visible influence of artificial satellites and human presence in the sky, protecting Indigenous lands, and ensuring Indigenous and other marginalised groups are not exploited for the human colonisation of space and Indigenous lands given historical and ongoing inequities.