The chapter will explain three dimensions of learning that can emerge from intentional practice: personal learning, professional learning, and organizational learning—the nirvana of all learning in the public and private sectors. Learning and the pursuit for clarity are interconnected; independently and together, they are richly layered and multidimensional. Humans are imperfect, and as such, one explanation as to why humans inhabit Earth is to learn—not to ever reach perfection, though, but to live, experience, question, and learn from past actions so we can improve along the way. Similarly, intentional practice is used to support organizations that want to achieve impact, but impact will always remain elusive because the objective is to learn from our work and always improve our work. When the three learning dimensions interact, the result is that the organization begins to function as a learning system that continually evolves toward a better version of itself. The value of active organizational learning reverberates outward to all who experience the place—visitors, partners, and the community; all begin to know the true essence of a learning organization.