As part of the ‘REGALIEN Project’ led by Professors Marcel Morabito and Guillaume Tusseau, the purpose of the symposium organised in Toulouse by Professor Stéphane Mouton was to relay the issue of the political responsibility of executives to local actors. Calling on both academics and local, regional, national and European political leaders to respond to them, this day sought to shed light on the political relations between territorial and national powers and the mechanisms of responsibility that can result from them under a new angle, namely, national actors vis-à-vis local actors. Built on a complex game of influencing, evaluating and even controlling government action, the circuits of which are multiple (political, administrative, financial and jurisdictional), the participants demonstrated that there is indeed a political responsibility of national governments, left in the shadow of the texts, in particular constitutional ones. Yet it is essential for the proper functioning of the exercise of power in a democracy. With real success, the symposium was able to shed light on this dark side in the power games that are exercised within modern democratic states.

The participants were:

Philippe Bonnecarrère, Senator of Tarn Department

Mathieu Carpentier, Professor of Public Law at the University of Toulouse Capitole, France

Laurent Carrié, Prefect of Gers Department

Chloë Geynet-Dussauze, Lecturer in Public Law at Sciences Po, Lille, France

Jean-Michel Lattes, Lecturer at the University of Toulouse Capitole, France, and Deputy Mayor of Toulouse

Marc Péré, Mayor of L’Union, and Councillor of Haute-Garonne Department

Serge Regourd, Professor Emeritus of Public Law at the University of Toulouse Capitole, France, and Councillor of Occitanie Region

Thierry Tanquerel, Professor Emeritus of Public Law at the University of Geneva, Switzerland

Marc Verdussen, Professor of Constitutional Law at UC Louvain, Belgium, and Director of the Research Centre on State and Constitution

André Viola, Lecturer at the University of Toulouse Capitole, and Councillor of Aude Department

Jacques Ziller, Professor of Public Law and European Union Law, formerly at the University of Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, France, and the University of Pavia, Italy