National collective narcissism is a key driver of societal instability. It promotes an exclusive, narrow vision of the national group and escalates contests for equal political representation between advantaged and disadvantaged groups (e.g., men and women) into intergroup conflicts. Advantaged groups perceive a threat to their dominant status from disadvantaged groups seeking equality and usurp the national identity to work in their interests at the cost of democracy. Advantaged groups' (vs. disadvantaged groups') collective narcissism is more strongly associated with national collective narcissism, as the narcissistic motive for superiority is projected onto the national group. In contrast, collective narcissism among disadvantaged groups is associated with challenging the dominance of advantaged groups in society. It is laden with negative emotions towards the group's disadvantaged members and hostile towards the advantaged group. This makes it highly mobilizing and oriented towards social justice. However, in the long run, it likely does not foster equality as society is still construed in terms of winners and losers.