The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species is one of the most important conservation tools as it provides information on the distribution, ecology, population trends, and threats of many species. Red Lists can help identify species with high extinction risk and highlight species with insufficient data available. Insects are still underrepresented on the IUCN Red List and it is important that entomologists increase insect assessments. Species with high extinction risk are likely to receive more attention by conservation practitioners. Conservation action plans have been implemented for several highly threatened insect species. Species with scarce data on distribution and population trends are more likely to be covered by surveys to increase the data basis for future assessments. Calculations of Red List indices are used as indicators of global biodiversity trends in international conservation policies. While the Red List status measures extinction risk, the novel Green Status of species measures the effectiveness of conservation action as well as the recovery potential of species. Green Status information is added to the Red List status and assists funders and decision makers in evaluating the effectiveness of conservation projects. Both Red List and Green Status assessments help to raise the profile of insects on the international conservation agenda.