The United Nations has established 17 Sustainable Development Goals, of which Goal 9 concerns “Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure”, including building resilient infrastructure, promoting sustainable industrialisation, and fostering innovation. Green innovation is one approach to building green and sustainable cities. This approach requires the joint effort of governments, financial institutions, and industry. Hong Kong, Macao, and Guangzhou are the three major cities in the development plan of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area (GBA). These cities are strategically committed to the development of a low-carbon economy. This chapter further explains the pertinence of the concept of technological infrastructure to the GBA’s green innovation and infrastructure financing strategies leveraging the complementary roles of the three main GBA cities. The chapter first explores the formulation of green innovation policies, the development of green infrastructure, the interrelationship between the intangibles of technological innovation, and the advancement of green finance. This chapter then identifies the prospects for green innovation through interdisciplinary knowledge exchange and ultimate knowledge transfer in the GBA region under an open nexus for developing sustainability competency. Finally, it provides suggestions of best practices for the future development of green technological infrastructures in a scalable and systematic manner.