In order to meet the unique requirements of Muslim tourists, halal tourism is a developing trend in the travel sector. Offering halal meals, prayer spaces, gender-segregated accommodations, and settings free from alcohol are a few of the services that are provided as part of halal tourism operations. In addition to providing halal entertainment and gaining halal certification, halal tourism providers must also be culturally sensitive and mindful of the unique requirements of Muslim tourists. Halal tourism providers can have a good effect on the tourism sector and draw Muslim visitors from all over the world by catering to their needs. The absence of industry-wide standardization and certification is one of the major obstacles to the functioning of halal tourism. Travelers find it challenging to recognize and select halal tourism services since there are no widely recognized standards for what qualifies as halal tourism. Additionally, more study is required to determine the precise requirements and preferences of Muslim tourists to make sure that halal tourism providers are satisfying their needs. Another challenge is the limited availability of tourism services in some locations, which can restrain the industry’s expansion there. The COVID-19 pandemic has also presented challenges for the halal tourism industry, as travel restrictions and safety concerns have affected the ability of travelers to access halal tourism. This study aims to explore the concept of halal tourism and halal hospitality, perceptions of halal tourism services, as well as the challenges faced by the industry. This study can inform the development and improvement of halal tourism operations, leading to a better understanding of the needs and preferences of Muslim travelers and the potential for growth in the tourism industry.