Health is the most precious gift to all mankind from Allah (swt). There are two major fields of standard medical practices, such as general healthcare services and Islamic medical services. However, Shari’ah-compliant healthcare services and Muslim-friendly medical services are part of Islamic medical services. Shari’ah-compliant healthcare services refer to the products and services that are related to medical treatment and offered by the doctrine of Shari’ah. Through the adoption and appreciation of worship during and after treatment, which aims to raise awareness through education of patients and families to be closer to Allah (swt), the hospital management can use the ibādah-friendly hospital to achieve the values of excellence and pride to employees for the well-being of its customers. Religious leaders are required under Islamic management to aid and guide patients. They do this by visiting patients regularly and helping them. They also educate staff members about Islam so that they can help patients. Thus, the main objective of this chapter is to explore the factors for Islamic management practices for healthcare services. This study used the interview method and secondary sources of literature to identify the Islamic management practices of An-Nur Specialist Hospital. The findings revealed that products, management, facilities, and services can play a crucial role in Islamic healthcare management practices.