Leadership role matters in increasing organizational productivity. Two wings, efficiency and effectiveness, are equally important for an organizational bird to fly. First, efficiency counts upon the efficient utilization of money, materials and man, and machines, whereas the second, effectiveness, depends on how the leaders handle a relationship that relates to the people. Thus, leadership or management grids basically cover five styles on these two scores: 9 in efficiency but zero in a relationship (pure workaholic style); 9 in a relationship but zero in efficiency (Happy go lucky style); 5 for work and 5 for relationships (Survival leadership style); zero on work and zero on relationship management (Hopeless leadership style); and 9 in a relationship but 9 in efficiency (the best leadership style). Some of the former styles and roles of leadership are acceptable besides the hopeless one, but the last mentioned leadership role is a rare one and challenging to search for and nurture such leaders in the modern-day business environment. This chapter will look into this and give an Islamic perspective and contribution of Islamic spirituality in enhancing such a role of leadership.