The best Turkey, Persian, and Smyrna rugs are made by hand, of pure wool, and are so thick that if, as sometimes happens in their own country, a brazier of coals is upset on one of them, the charred portion, which, in the case of a Brussels carpet, could never be effaced, will disappear after a few days’ wear. However, a “white ground” carpet is rather a holiday friend, and is not to be recommended unless the room it is intended for be a darkish one, or the character of the household be such that it will not be subjected to ravages of children and husbands with dirty boots. Otherwise, choose a thick rug with a pattern a good deal broken, and with nothing very odd or noticeable in the design, and let it take its fortunes. The advantage of a hardwood floor laid down originally, or of common floor covered, is so great on score of health and labor-saving.