The Girl’s Own Paper was founded in 1880 as a sixteen-page penny weekly paper published by the Religious Tract Society. Elegance and simplicity are synonymous terms for a room as much as for a dress; a drawing-room “suite” is often odious, but a “scheme of colour,” as regards the entire decoration, is advisable; for a room furnished with things “picked up” haphazard reminds one of a person habitually dressed in remnants. A portiont of the mural on the wall depicts a woman standing, and the remaining portion is concealed by the curtain drapery. Angelina is musical, and the hire of a piano is reckoned among the housekeeping expenses until the young couple have saved up for one of their own. Muslin over calico, or squares from discarded thin white silk dresses, make clean-looking slips for sofa pillows until something handsome has been embroidered for the purpose, and they are easily washed.