Corazon Aquino was the first female president of the Philippines, serving from 1986 to 1992. She was a key figure in the People Power Revolution which toppled the authoritarian regime of Ferdinand Marcos, and is widely admired for her efforts to restore democracy and human rights in the Philippines. Aquino was born into a prominent political family, and was known for her humility and her commitment to social justice. Upon her husband's death, Corazon kept his fight going by joining the People Power Revolution, an anti-Marcos political campaign, and participated in peaceful and nonviolent demonstrations against the regime. Throughout her time in the political spotlight, Corazon received numerous awards, honors, recognitions, and accolades for her work. Some of her honors in 1986 included being named Time's Woman of the Year, receiving the Eleanor Roosevelt Human Rights Award, the United Nations Silver Medal, and many more.