In this chapter the focus is on the necessity for organizations to embrace appropriate guidance and leadership in the application of effective education and training to support and promote employee mental health. While there is a responsibility for all organizations to provide staff support services, it is particularly important in frontline organizations where, by virtue of their role, people are at elevated risk of exposure to potential trauma and stress. In some jurisdictions a legal precedent has been set whereby a failure to provide psychoeducation, mental health training, and a safe work environment make an employer liable. The burden of responsibility falls upon employers to ensure that not only are mental health resources and strategies in place prior to employment and deployment, but also that ongoing focused support, counselling, and other resources are always available. Psychoeducation is not limited to frontline personnel. It is an imperative that supervisors and managers in frontline organizations are sufficiently trained to monitor and facilitate intervention strategies as required. This chapter describes some of the models of psychoeducation and intervention that have used rigorous methods to demonstrate they are effective in buffering the impacts of mental ill-health and in promoting mental health, resilience, and posttraumatic growth.