The author develops the concept of intuition along different lines and relationships with different concepts. Is intuition a thought without a thinker or a thought that has not yet a thinker? Is it a capability that acquires different values if complemented with thinking, as a process of working through what was first an intuition? Can we consider intuition a memoir of the future? Bion refers to the sensorial world: the sense organs apprehend the sensory world; how do we apprehend the emotional world? His answer is: through intuition. With this formulation of “thoughts without a thinker” Bion extends the creative aspects of his theory of thinking, which encompasses the movement of the human mind towards the future and towards emotions and object relations. These “thoughts without a thinker” are opening towards the future, waiting to be thought. She then refers to intuition and caesura between prenatal and postnatal aspects of the mind. Infants are conscious of what they feel, but this is a rudimentary consciousness: they can feel their emotions but cannot name them and are not aware of their meaning.