This chapter aims at building a bibliography of the Afrocentric project. Although not necessarily exhaustive, it is comprehensive enough to offer a useful tool for examining the fundamental elements of the theory and the way it has been applied in scholarly discourses in practically all academic fields, from history and sociology to psychoanalysis and spirituality. It also includes the perspectives of its critiques. Often credited with the construction of this framework for studying African phenomena is Molefi Kete Asante, a professor in the Department of African American Studies at Temple University, the first institution in the United States to develop a doctoral program in Africana Studies. Elements of what conceptually constitutes the Afrocentric theory are evident in the works of several African American and African thinkers predating Asante’s scholarship. However, the most recognizable attempt at codifying the extant set of ideas into a theoretical structure termed “Afrocentricity” seems essentially that of Asante.