Sustainable HRM (human resources management) is a combination of two elements: (1) leveraging HR (human resources) tools and processes to support sustainable business objectives, and (2) performing HR sustainably, that is, in a way which creates an organisational culture that is ethical, respectful, and inclusive, invests in the development of employees, and empowers them to engage at the maximum level of their capabilities.

This chapter will help you to understand the role of HR teams in supporting sustainable business and the responsibility of HR teams to perform HR sustainably.

The learning outcomes of this chapter are:

You will be able to describe how HR supports sustainable business and the connection between HRM and sustainability.

You will be able to understand examples of the way HR practices affect society and possible ways to integrate social and environmental considerations into HR processes in order to improve the social and environmental impacts of business.

You will know where to find more information and examples of good practice in the area of sustainable HRM.

You will be able to understand some of the principles behind having a sustainability mindset.