This chapter introduces the global challenge of climate change as it relates to business activity, with specific focus on business approaches ‘carbon management’ and greenhouse gas (GHG) management. It considers how businesses impact and are affected by climate change. It also discusses the key steps business organisations can take to identify and measure their GHG emissions, enabling them to be more efficient in their processes, which, in turn, can lower their production and/or running costs.

The opening section of this chapter is written as a general introduction, with enough detail to give you a working understanding of what is required to complete the activities. More detail is provided in the subsequent section of the chapter, followed by material for teaching units, learning activities, and further recommended reading.

In this chapter you will learn:

How climate change is connected to business and vice versa.

Why ‘carbon management’ can help businesses minimise their impact on the climate as well as reduce energy and other running costs.

How organisations can measure their impact on the climate.

What actions organisations and individuals can take to reduce their climate impact and save money.