The focus of Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapy (REBT) is to uncover mistaken cognitions, specifically irrational beliefs that might underpin unhealthy negative emotions, and replace them with more productive rational alternatives. The principal emphasis of REBT is upon the role of cognitions in determining the cause and outcome of emotional disturbances. Irrational beliefs have consistently been associated with dysfunctional emotions, and a comprehensive review by Browne et al. established an association between irrational beliefs and unhealthy emotional consequences such as anxiety, guilt, shame, anger, and depression. Golf is an extremely technical sport that requires fine motor skills and precision in the execution of a certain shot. This chapter provides an outline of the REBT approach and evidence-based practices carried out specifically within the sport of golf. Despite being developed in the clinical setting, in the last few years, the application of REBT in sport has grown drastically.