Mega-sporting events (MSEs) have effects that ripple far and wide, creating a rhythm of predictable annual, biennial or quadrennial landmarks over generations and memories that last a lifetime. They bring an unparalleled platform to promote host countries and cities due to their global social, political and economic appeal. In attracting the spotlight, MSEs have also attracted scrutiny, with social conditions in host countries being debated alongside calls for events to be delivered in line with international human rights standards. This opening chapter discusses the human rights questions being raised in the context of MSEs. It situates MSEs within the broader history of the sport and human rights movement and elaborates upon the social, cultural, economic and political forces that have elevated MSEs as a prominent site for the promotion of human rights in and through sport. It also provides a comprehensive definition of what we mean when we refer to an event as an ‘MSE’. We also discuss the developments in advocacy and research that have preceded and inspired this Handbook and provide guidance on the structure and content of the chapters that follow.