Collaborative writing simultaneously (CWS) is a mode of knowledge-creation where multiple views coalesce and produce more than solitary bodies could alone: meanings emerge which are not mine, not yours, but ours. We offer CWS, a process we collectively developed to synchronously produce writing together, as a contribution to transdisciplinary, feminist, posthumanist research praxis. We are a collective of seven academics, who came together online at the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, each bringing experiences from our diverse backgrounds, roles and responsibilities. We argue the orientation of CWS reduces hierarchical relations of power; displaces the urge to standardise writing and textual expression; enables inclusivity by valuing different forms of knowledge and opens epistemological spaces for collaborative comings-together outside our disciplinary restraints. This chapter explores the place of CWS within the Get up and Move! project. We share six relational affects and practices that came to matter: slowness; uncertainty; trust; risk; unknowing and joy.