This chapter aims to establish the lines of critical production of Latin American decolonial thinking on disability. Although there is a strong tradition of decolonial thought in Latin America, its contribution to the understanding of disability is not systematised. The article starts with an approach to the Latin American decolonial thought and subsequently delves into its contributions to the field of critical disability. From a systematic review, four lines of critical production are identified: the constitution of subjects with disabilities and the construction of differences from the normalising colonial pattern; the coloniality of ability as a critical device and normality as an oppressive framework; the need for other-pedagogies: depatriarchalise, denormalise, transgress, liberate; approach an understanding of disability from the point of view and realities of the communities of Our America or Abya Yala. This decolonial knowledge has an emergent, novel, and progressive character. Although critical production lines can be recognised, this proposal could adopt new nuances in future research.