The imposition of lockdown during the pandemic has resulted in a shutdown of all spaces designed for children. A sedentary lifestyle occurs with the lack of proper space and environment for physical activity and increased screen time. This has increased the risk of childhood obesity, which can be fatal in the long run with higher chances of co-morbid conditions. A study by the University of Washington’s Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation analysed data from different sources on overweight and obesity in 195 countries from 1980 to 2015. The study marks India to record the second-largest number of obese children globally, accounting for 14.4 million obese children. India has been struggling with the double burden of fighting under-nutrition and obesity simultaneously. While under-nutrition has been addressed through various policies, obesity fails to penetrate the policies. The chapter aims to draw attention to the effect of the pandemic on children’s health, focusing on childhood obesity in India. The chapter is based on a secondary literature review while drawing themes on factors resulting in obesity and future risks.