This closing chapter summarises and reconsiders the approach taken in the book in terms of its focus upon interrupting social injustice and advancing social justice. It begins with some discussion of key ideas around the notion of legacy which are featured in this book, namely legacy’s relationship with power, time and justice, but then importantly moves to concentrate attention upon possibilities for re-imagining the future. To do this, works by a range of scholars, as well as the contributions offered in this volume, are drawn into discussion to open up ways of thinking about social justice as a political project. The book rests upon an insistence that legacy must always be paired with the political. In the light of re-imagining power and time in relation to social justice, the final chapter goes about re-configuring the concept of change and explores how particular heterodoxical directions and modes of experience might be brought to the fore. The aim is to develop counter-strategies with an eye to advancing progressive political imaginaries that might be put to use in re-shaping of the future.