Creating an art work on the theme of disappearance is a delicate undertaking. Disappearance is not a death confirmed. We cannot consider the disappeared persons resting in peace. For this reason, the artist who created an art work for the Jardin de Disparus in the city of Meyrin chose to create a place and not an artwork. A place for the sorrow to be expressed and a place for action. A space that is simultaneously private and public in nature. She chooses to install a question mark, i.e. a sign that is used in countless languages. It comes from Latin, but it is found in Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Arabic, sometimes turned upside-down. To draw a question mark is to start with a circular shape that does not close in on itself, but that opens and continues with a straight line with a full stop affixed below. A disappearance raises innumerable questions: about life and death, about justice, trust in humankind, possibilities and means of action. The white question mark is clearly legible on the grass by Google Earth or from the planes landing or taking off from the Geneva airport, and by all the decision-makers who fly over the city.