The teaching of the social work curriculum is dominated by Western thinking. Disregarding the African-centred approach in the practice of the discipline is currently observed, hence the emergence of a new approach, namely, African social work. This approach fights for recognition within the discipline considering that social work embraces an interdisciplinary approach. Social work practice in Africa did not recognise the African indigenous knowledge systems as part of the knowledge developed and methods of interventions in the curriculum. Cultural belief systems and practices, which are the ingredients of indigenous knowledge, are neglected. Western thinking portrays Africans as communities that did not have prior knowledge about their own affairs. This chapter argues that Africans have ways of practicing social work characterised by indigenous knowledge. Desktop research was conducted using published journal articles and book chapters relating to the topic. Findings are based on the paradigm, epistemology, and practices in an African indigenous community. Therefore, the incorporation of indigenous knowledge in the social work curriculum adds value to the practice. This will prepare social workers for practice that is socio-culturally relevant and responsive to the community's needs.

Go rutwa ga lenaneothuto la dithuto tša bodireleago go sa theilwe kudu godimo ga dikgopolo tša bodikela. Go se elwe hloko ga mekgwa ya seAfrika ge go rutwa dithuto tše, e a bonagala ke ka lebaka leo go tšwelelago mokwa wo mofsa wo o bitšwago bodirelaleago bja seAfrika. Mokgwa wo o lwela tokologo magareng ga dithuto go elwa hloko kudu bodirelaleago ka go akaretša mokgwa wa kopakopano ya dithuto. Bošomelo bja bodirelaleago go la Afrika ga se bo ele hloko peakanyo tsebo tlhago go seAfrika bjalo ka karolo ya go godiša le mekgwa ya go tsena ka gare lenaneothuto. Tshepidišo ya tumelo ya setšo le tirišo tšeo elego dinyakwa tše bohlokwa go tsebo tlhago ga di elwe hloko. Se se tšweletša maAfrika bjalo ka setšhaba seo se hlokago tsebo ya pele mabapi le ditirgalo tša ga bo bona. Kgaolo ye e nganga gore maAfrika ba na le mekgwa ya bona bošomelong bja bodirelaleago wo o hlaolwago ka tsebo ya setlogo. Mokgwanyakišišo wa teseke o dirišitšwe ka go lekola dingwalwa go tšwa dijenaleng le dikgaolo tša dipuku tšeo di nyalelanago le hlogo. Dikhumano di theilwe godimo ga parataeme, episitimolotši le ditlwaelo mo go setlogo sa setšhaba sa maAfrika. Ka go realo, go tsenywa ga tsebo tlhago ka gare ga lenaneothuto la bodirelaleago go tla godiša bohlokwa bja bošomelo. Se se ile go beakantšha badirelaleago go bošomelo bjo bo akaretšago leago-setho bja maleba le go arabana le dinyakwa tša setšhaba.